Tunisia - The Council of the Independent Higher Authority for the Elections (ISIE), meeting on Wednesday, decided to extend the deadline for candidacy filing for the local elections from November 2 to 6 to allow candidates to complete their files.

The extension will have no impact on the electoral timetable, spokesman for the ISIE Mohamed Tlili Mnasri told the media at the end of the meeting.

As set out in the election timetable, the electoral campaign will run from December 2 to 22, 2023, he added.

Besides, Mnasri indicated that 99% of the electoral constituencies, totalling 2155, had registered candidacies for the local elections, adding that the candidacies filed cover all 279 local councils.

The candidacy filing for the local council elections started on October 23 at 27 centres covering the local election authorities and will run until November 6, 2023.

Selected candidacies will be announced before November 28, after the expiry of the deadline for challenges.

The local council elections, the first of their kind in Tunisia, will be held in 2155 constituencies to elect 279 Local Councils in order to set up the National Council of Regions and Districts.

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