BEIJING - The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that China attaches great importance to the development of renewable energy, and turned to “forerunners” and even “pacesetters” in a short timespan.

Wenbin said, “New heights are constantly achieved in installed capacity, power generation, and industrial competitiveness. We are making solid strides in deepening the energy revolution, contributing to the global response to climate change.”

The installed capacity of renewable energy also topped the world, exceeding 1.4 terawatt, higher than the coal-fired energy. More than half of the NEVs are in China. Green and low-carbon development has become part of the life of the Chinese people.

He added that 50 percent of the world’s wind power equipment and 80 percent of the PV equipment are from China. By September this year, China had signed 48 South-South MoUs on climate change with dozens of developing countries, built four demonstration zones on low-carbon development, carried out 75 projects on the mitigation and adaptation of climate change, and brought the benefit of green and low-carbon development to more countries.

The Foreign Ministry Spokesperson stated that at the Hangzhou Asian Games successfully, the conventional power of all the stadiums was generated with green energy. More than 100 million people contributed their ‘green energy’ with low-carbon activities, making the Hangzhou Asian Games the first ever carbon-neutral Asian Games.

“We are actively promoting green energy internationally, assisting more developing countries in writing green chapters in their development,” he said.

“China will continue to promote green and sustainable development, contributing to the global response to climate change to the best of our capabilities. We also hope that members of the COP28 could fully implement the consensus, making corresponding contributions to achieve relevant targets according to their national conditions. Also, jointly addressing the challenges and bottlenecks facing the development of the renewable energy, making relentless efforts in implementing the Paris Agreement fully and effectively to build a clean and beautiful world,” he said