Business Summary
GCC EXCHANGE is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged mainly in the provision of money exchange services. The Company's various products and services include remittances and money exchange through various modes such as Xpress Money, Bank Transfer, Inter Branches Transfer, Door to Door Payments, Western Union, I REMIT, Advice and Pay, Commercial Payments, Travelers Cheques, Foreign Currency Dealing, Yellow Pay, Inter-Emirates money transfers, Inter-Branch Transfers and Cash Withdrawals. GCC EXCHANGE has various branches, which include Dubai Office, Bur Dubai Office, Sharjah Office and Hong Kong Office. The Company transfers money to various countries such as India, Bangladesh and Philippines.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Emirates Islamic Bank Building 802, 8th Floor, Baniyas Street, Near Abra Deira Area, PO Box 41704
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