SINGAPORE - QatarEnergy has cut the August term price for al-Shaheen crude to a premium of $1.21 a barrel above Dubai quotes, trade sources said on Friday, down from a premium of $1.82 a barrel in July.
The term price was set after QatarEnergy sold three cargoes via a tender, traders said.
Aramco Trading was awarded the first cargo at $1.25 a barrel above Dubai quotes while the second cargo went to P66 at a premium of 90 cents a barrel, they said. BP took the third cargo at a premium of 80-90 cents a barrel, the traders said.
Separately, QatarEnergy sold an August-loading Qatar Marine cargo to Cathay Petroleum at 30 cents above Dubai quotes and a Qatar Land cargo loading in the same month to Shell at a discount of 20 cents to Dubai quotes, they added.
(Reporting by Florence Tan)