Tunisia's energy independence rate, which represents the ratio of primary energy resources to primary consumption, stood at 45% at the end of May 2024, compared to 52% during the same period of the previous year, according to the monthly report on the energy situation, published by the National Energy and Mines Observatory.

The primary energy balance shows at the end of May 2024, a deficit of 2 tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), thus recording an increase of 14% compared to the end of May 2023, including royalty.

Without the accounting of the fee, the energy independence rate would be limited to 33% at the end of May 2024 compared to 41% during the same period of 2023.

Primary energy resources stood at 1.6 Mtoe, reporting a drop of 16% compared to the end of May 2023.

This decline is mainly due to the reduction in national production of crude oil and natural gas.

Primary energy resources remain dominated by national production of oil and gas, which both account for 68% of total primary energy resources.

The share of renewable electricity (STEG and private production and self-production) remains modest and represents only 2% of primary resources.

Primary energy demand decreased between the end of May 2023 and the end of May 2024 by 2%. The demand for natural gas fell by 6% whereas demand for petroleum products recorded an increase of 2%.

The drop in demand for natural gas follows the limitation of Algerian gas purchases. To cope with this downward trend and meet the entire national demand for electricity, STEG has relied on importing electricity.

The structure of demand for primary energy registered a slight change. The share of demand for petroleum products increased from 50% at the end of May 2023 to 52% during the same period of 2024. Natural gas, on the other hand, went from 49% at the end of May 2023 to 47% at the end of May 2024.

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