KUWAIT CITY -  The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) is reviewing its regulations for granting the profession of driver to consumer demand distribution companies, to reduce traffic congestion and accidents.

Previously, PAM implemented specific controls and conditions for vehicles and drivers employed by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in delivery services. These rules, established over a year ago, include the following key stipulations:

1. Each vehicle license is allocated 1.5 drivers per car.
2. Cars must not be older than seven years.
3. If the license of the vehicle is not renewed within above mentioned period, the renewal of the license will be suspended until the legal status is rectified.
4. Rental vehicles must not exceed three years and can only be sourced from approved companies or official car dealers.
5. The minimum rental period is set at one year, with regular submission of rental contracts, continuity certificates, and payment proofs every six months.
6. Motorcycles used for delivery must not exceed four years and require specific approvals from PAM’s Business Owners Service Needs Assessment Unit.
7. A bank transfer certificate for the value of rented vehicles must be submitted every six months
8. A valid certificate from the rental agency is required every six months to confirm ongoing agreements
9. The minimum rental period for vehicles is set at one year
10. An original car rental contract approved by the agency must be provided.
11. All rented vehicles must align with the registered nature of the business activity, as per the Business Owners Service Needs Assessment Unit
12. The historical record of vehicles must be available for review by the responsible employee every six months.
13. Motorcycles used for deliveries must be manufactured within the last four years, with approval from the Business Owners Service Needs Assessment Unit.

All owners are required to adhere to all these rules, issue declarations of compliance, and allow periodic inspections to ensure compliance. PAM’s ongoing review seeks to refine these measures further to improve road safety and traffic conditions.

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