Bahrain - An urgent proposal to oblige car dealerships to provide maintenance services for imported cars, without imposing additional charges ranging from BD1,000 to BD3,000, has been unanimously approved by MPs. 

It was spearheaded by five legislators led by Strategic Thinking Bloc spokesman MP Khalid Bu Onk.

They claimed that the proposal would ease the financial burden on owners of imported vehicles.

Currently, owners of imported cars are required to pay a one-time fee of BD1,000 to BD3,000 to open a file with authorised dealerships and avail their maintenance services.

MPs argue that these charges are ‘unjustified’ as the vehicles are identical to those sold locally, and are covered under the same international warranty.

“Why pay between BD1,000 and BD3,000 to open a file when the vehicle is the same as the ones sold in Bahrain?” questioned Mr Bu Onk.

“This practice is discriminatory and places unnecessary financial strain on car owners.”Drawing comparisons to neighbouring countries, Mr Bu Onk pointed out that Saudi Arabia and Qatar had already implemented regulations to prohibit additional charges for maintenance services on imported cars.

The proposal will now move to the Cabinet for further review and implementation, with MPs urging swift action to align Bahrain with regional practices and boost consumer protection.

Parliament also unanimously approved an urgent proposal to constitute a national emergency team comprising multiple government and independent bodies. It was presented by five MPs led by public utilities and environment affairs committee chairman MP Mohammed Al Bulooshi.

“We need to help families tackling emergencies such as fires by providing temporary accommodations, financial support or following up with their needs,” said Mr Al Bulooshi.

“The team from government and independent bodies led by the Royal Humanitarian Foundation should be able to assess applications online and take immediate action. A home in East Riffa was damaged in a fire two months ago and the family is still waiting for help, they have been asked to send emails here and there and no reply yet.”

Also, unanimously approved was a request to issue a statement welcoming the peace deal between Israel and Palestine. It was put forth by 21 MPs led by Abdulwahid Qarata. Parliament Speaker Ahmed Al Musallam has been deputised to issue it on MPs’ behalf.

An urgent proposal by five MPs, led by Mr Bu Onk, to construct a national stadium in Muharraq has been referred to the financial and economic affairs committee for review.

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