Prominent Southeast Asian nations are showcasing their inspiring experiences in climate action at their pavilions at COP28, the UN Climate Conference in Dubai.

They have been organising a series of events from the first day of the conference, which will go on until the last day.

Indonesia’s soft diplomacy

Indonesian pavilion has "Indonesia's Climate Actions: Inspiring the World" as its theme.

The pavilion’s events and activities have a special focus on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the energy and waste sectors as well as forestry and other land use sectors, according to Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry. These sectors are very crucial in reducing Indonesia’s GHG emissions, she added in her remarks at the opening of the pavilion.

The pavilion embodies Indonesia’s soft diplomacy to voice the country’s actions, strategies, and innovations to the international world, as a concrete form of jointly leading climate action, according to Agus Justianto, chairman of the pavilion.

The pavilion’s offline and virtual climate action exhibitions as well as talk shows feature the latest climate actions taken by the government and all parties in the country, which include 77 panel sessions with 379 speakers.

Malaysian holistic solutions

Malaysian Pavilion themed "Going Beyond: Green Growth, Resilient Community, Sustainable Planet," symbolises Malaysia's approach to climate and biodiversity issues.

“We are committed to progressive, holistic solutions—supporting a green economy while ensuring the well-being of our communities, the planet, and the rich tapestry of biodiversity,” said an introductory message of the pavilion.

The pavilion is hosting interactive exhibits, panel discussions, and side events designed to offer diverse insights into Malaysia's climate initiatives.

"Malaysia is proud to showcase our unwavering commitment to climate action through the Malaysia Pavilion. It serves as more than just a physical structure; it stands as a tangible demonstration of Malaysia's commitment and dedication to address climate change," according to Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change.

Singapore’s net-zero journey

Singapore pavilion themed ‘Accelerating Collective Climate Action’ is highlighting Singapore’s climate solutions, innovations, and partnerships to advance global climate action.

The Pavilion displays how Singapore is convening players across sectors and domains, and from around the world, to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and build a climate-resilient future.

Its daily programmes include innovation showcases, panels, fireside chats, and similar events.

In her welcome address at the Pavilion’s launch event, Grace Fu, Singapore’s Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, said, "To us, the Singapore Pavilion is not just a physical space. It represents our commitment to climate action. It allows Team Singapore – made up of the public, private and people sectors – to show what we are doing collectively to tackle the challenge of our generation.”

Thailand’s climate innovations

Thailand’s pavilion is presenting the country’s climate innovations to the global audience.

The pavilion is organising an exhibition and side events, promoting the country’s climate initiatives on the world stage.

The exhibition and seminars are highlighting Thailand’s various action plans to achieve net zero.

The activities in the Thai pavilion themed “Climate Partnership Determination,” represent a collaborative effort of over 20 organisations, comprising government agencies, industries, and academic institutes.