China is inviting Egyptian companies to participate in the upcoming China International Import Expo (CIIE), a unique global platform designed to showcase import-ready products.

The expo, which runs from November 5th to 10th in Shanghai, has seen six successful editions, attracting participants from all corners of the world. It serves not only as a showcase but also as a vital platform for international deal-making.

“The CIIE is the first of its kind in the world,” said Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Zhang Chaoyang, emphasizing China’s commitment to global economic openness. “Through a new development vision with Chinese expertise, we aim to provide the world with fresh economic and trade opportunities.”

The promotional conference for the 7th CIIE was co-organized by the Chinese Embassy in Cairo, the China International Import Expo Authority, and the Egyptian National Exhibition and Convention Center. Partnering organizations included the Egyptian General Authority for Exhibitions and Conferences, the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, the Egyptian Businessmen Association, the Egyptian-Chinese Friendship Association, and the Egyptian-Chinese Trade Center.

Deputy General Director of the China International Import Expo Bureau, Li Guoqing, highlighted the strong economic ties between China and Egypt. “Both nations are committed to supporting diversified and continuous trade, and we are eager to see more Egyptian products reach Chinese markets,” he stated.

Li Guoqing further emphasized China’s desire to promote economic openness with Egypt, Africa’s leading economy and China’s biggest trade partner on the continent. The CIIE’s impressive track record speaks for itself: companies from 181 countries participated in previous editions, showcasing a staggering 2,400 products.

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