Dubai: The Arabia CSR Network - an organization that works to mainstream and enhance corporate responsibility and sustainability in the MENA countries - represented the Arab region at the prestigious World Responsible Economy Forum organized in the city of Lille France. The Forum was attended by more than 5000 people comprising business leaders, sustainability professionals and students.
Speaking at the event, Ms. Habiba Al Marashi, President of the Arabia CSR Network, stated "In the Arab region, we are at a critical juncture where many countries have seen warning signs that business as usual cannot go on. Both the public and the private sector will have to conduct themselves responsibly, in terms of governance and transparency, labor and human rights, environmental preservation and social contribution if they want to survive and thrive."
The World Forum Lille, headed by former French Minister, Mr. Philippe Vasseur, hosted influential actors from across the globe to showcase their CSR and sustainability best practices for a responsible economy. The 2012 Forum addressed four key issues: Sustainable Marketing, Corporate Models, Governance & Management and Sustainable Purchasing. Each of these issues was deliberated upon both from a theoretical and practice lens by a number of business leaders and leading thinkers.
Ms. Al Marashi participated at the Forum by heading a CSR Networking Lunch for the Arab region, followed by moderating a panel session titled 'Sustainably exporting a business overseas' and finally speaking at a CSR Network's Forum on the third day. Ms. Al Marashi's Arab delegation also included Mr. Ahmed bin Ali, Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications, Etisalat Group (UAE); Mr. Moez El Shohdi, CEO of the Egyptian Food Bank (Egypt) and Mr. Eugene Mayne, CEO of Tristar Transport (UAE). Each of these individuals actively participated at the Forum by speaking in a number of panels that addressed issues such as 'Rebalancing a company's value between economic development and social development' and 'Responsible entrepreneurship'.
Bin Ali said: "In real estate you say location, location, location. At Etisalat we say 'people, people, people'. In our markets we require a significant talent pool of technical staff as well as leaders with a long-term vision and the capacity to deliver, and they must eventually be trained and groomed from within the markets we operate. This is why over the last three decades the Etisalat Group has made great efforts and invested in training and education to ensure we have the most talented employees from local markets that are capable of competing with the best in the world and providing the best services to our customers."
Mr. Mayne presented several CSR projects of the company in the UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, Africa and Guam, among others. The company is a recipient of the 2011 Arabia CSR Award under Best Newcomer Category. Mr. El Shohdi spoke at length about how an organization that works towards social development can become a profitable business model and one that can be successfully replicated in many part of the world.
Also participating at the Forum were a large group of international businesses such as Arc International, Uniapac Foundation, Toyota Moteur Europe, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Ethos Institute, Ashoka Europe, International Co-operative Alliance, Terre Policy Center, Global Reporting Initiative, Ethics Institute of South Africa and many more.
The objective of the World Forum was to advance responsible economy by highlighting sustainable business practices and examples that have created a positive impact in the economy, environment and in various aspects of society. Launched for the first time in 2007, the World Forum has gathered nearly 18,000 participants in 5 years, shared more than 650 best practices, and organized over 125 conferences and workshops with nearly 360 participants from 61 nationalities.
About the Arabia CSR Network:
The Arabia CSR Network grew out of the EEG CSR Network, which has been actively advancing CSR in the UAE and Gulf region since 2004. The Arabia CSR Network was officially launched in October 2009 as an independent network, and offers its members a multi-stakeholder platform to network, learn and share their experiences and knowledge in matters of Corporate Social Responsibility with each other. For more information, please visit
About the World Forum Lille:
The World Forum Lille is an international event organized by Reseau Alliances, a regional CSR network in the North of France; Reseau Alliances is working closely with the regional companies (200 members representing 30% of the economic weight of the region) in order to promote CSR. They organize an annual awards program, workshops, training, and conferences. Every year the World Forum Lille gathers 4000 people during 3 days to present successful examples and best practices of business responsibility of companies of all sizes, activities and from all continents. For more information, please visit
© Press Release 2012