VideosJuly 5, 2015
CreditBPO Founder & CEO Lia Francisco on credit ratings and increasing access to financing for SMEs
What is the vision behind CreditBPO and the SME Credit Rating Report?LIA FRANCISCO: CreditBPO is really an initiative of ours where I&aposve put together my experience as both a banker and a business owner. In an emergent economy such as ours, the Philippines, small and medium enterprises really face a lack of access to credit, bank loans, and financing in general. We believe this is mainly becaus What is the vision behind CreditBPO and the SME Credit Rating Report?LIA FRANCISCO: CreditBPO is really an initiative of ours where I&aposve put together my experience as both a banker and a business owner. In an emergent economy such as ours, the Philippines, small and medium enterprises really face a lack of access to credit, bank loans, and financing in general. We believe this is mainly becaus