The thirty-sixth session of the Tunisia-US Joint Military Commission opened Thursday morning at the El Aouina military airbase, according to a ministry press release.

The session was chaired by Minister of National Defence, Imed Memmich and Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs Celeste A. Wallander, in the presence of the Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Tunisia and high-level Tunisian and US military delegations.

In his remarks, Memmich highlighted the historic depth of the friendly relations between the two countries.

He stressed that strengthening defence capabilities, sharing expertise and knowledge in military training and defence technology, and addressing common challenges would contribute significantly to achieving security and stability in the region.

"This would also strengthen the Tunisian-American strategic partnership, which is based on mutual interests and respect between the two parties".

He also stressed that Tunisia relies on its own capabilities to address security challenges, as well as on international cooperation with friendly countries, particularly the United States, which it considers a strategic partner.

The Minister affirmed that the regular meeting of the Joint Military Commission demonstrates the commitment of both sides to coordinate joint efforts and promote cooperative relations for the benefit of the military institutions of both countries.

Assistant Secretary Wallander praised the excellent level of partnership between the two countries, which reflects the depth and rootedness of the relationship between the United States and Tunisia.

She reaffirmed her country's continued support for Tunisia in its fight against terrorism and its willingness to support the operational capabilities of the military institution in various areas related to border security, training, technical assistance, and the provision of equipment suitable for non-traditional threats.

On the sidelines of the meeting, a ceremony was held at the El Aouina airbase to hand over a C130 aircraft from the US Army, a transport aircraft that "will enhance the Air Force's fleet of aircraft."

On Wednesday, a ceremony was held in Tunis on the occasion of the meeting of the Tunisian-American Joint Military Commission to mark twenty years of partnership between Tunisia and the state of Wyoming in the United States.

The event was attended by high-ranking Tunisian and American military officers and representatives of the state of Wyoming.

The success of the experiment, especially after the expansion of this cooperation beyond the military field to include cultural and civilisational exchanges between the two sides was commended.

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