WhatsApp enthusiasts will now be able to access a brand new feature on the social media platform.

In a Facebook post, Mark Zuckerberg announced that instant videos will now be a new feature allowing users to send short videos to each other.

"New for WhatsApp -- we're adding the ability to instantly record and share a video message in your WhatsApp chats. It's as easy as sending a quick voice message." The CEO put up a demonstration of the new feature, showing that a short video can be recorded just like a voice note.

The person sending the taps on the voice note button, revealing the video option. He then presses on it. After recording for a few seconds, the video appears in the chat in a circle.

Earlier, in a blog post on the WhatsApp website, the platform announced that users will be able to edit sent messages.

In order to make a change, a user can long-press a message and choose the option 'Edit'. This will be possible for up to 15 minutes after sending the message.

If edited, the messages will display 'edited' alongside them, so that the receiver can be aware that changes were made to the original message. However, the edit histrory will not be visible.

These messages will also be protected by end-to-end encryption, just like other messages over the application.

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