Business Summary
Domino’s Pizza, Inc. is a pizza company with a significant business in both delivery and carryout pizza. The Company operates through three segments: U.S. stores, international franchise, and supply chain. The U.S. stores segment is comprised primarily of its franchise operations, which consists of franchised stores located in the United States. The segment also operates a network of United States Company-owned stores. The international franchise segment primarily includes operations related to the Company’s franchising business in foreign markets. The supply chain segment primarily includes the distribution of food, equipment and supplies to stores from the Company’s supply chain center operations in the United States and Canada. Its Pinpoint Delivery, a technology that allows customers to receive a delivery nearly anywhere, including places like parks, baseball fields and beaches. It is a public restaurant brand with a global enterprise of more than 20,500 stores in over 90 markets.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
30 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive
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