BENGALURU - The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) on Friday rolled bank the 6% increase in transaction charges for the equity cash and derivatives segments, effective April 1.

The charges were raised in January 2021 to augment the NSE Investor Protection Fund Trust (NSE IPFT) corpus in view of certain market exigencies due to broker defaults at that time, the NSE said.

However, the NSE has now recaliberated contributions to the NSE IPFT from 0.01 rupees per 10 million rupees, to 10 rupees in the cash equity and futures segment and to 50 rupees in the equity options segment.

The recaliberation and the roll back of the planned transaction charges will effectively reduce transaction charges by 4%, the NSE said.

(Reporting by Nallur Sethuraman in Bengaluru; Editing by Savio D'Souza)