Iraq's state-owned refiner SOMO has offered around 82,000 metric tons (610,900 barrels) of gasoil term supplies for export within a three-month delivery window after the signing of the deal, a document on the company website showed.

The tender closes on May 26 at 1200 local time (0900 GMT), but there was no indication of a validity date in the document.

While the exact gasoil specifications were also unspecified on the document, two trade sources said the supply should be for high sulphur gasoil - possibly 8000ppm to 9000ppm grade.

The company exported around 68,000 tons of gasoil this year so far, LSEG shiptracking data showed.

SOMO did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The refiner's latest Karbala refinery was inaugurated in April last year and was expected to be running at full capacity from July last year, Reuters reported earlier.

(Reporting by Trixie Yap;Editing by Elaine Hardcastle)